First Baptist Preschool, LLC
                                                      1814 Sanborn Street  Port Huron, MI  48060    810-985-8887  OR 810-841-8882
Newsletters & Notes Handbooks, Calendars, and Newsletters

Work from Home

Tuition is due the 1st day of attendance of each month. Payments can be made in the office with cash, or a check made payable to: First Baptist Preschool, LLC. Tuition is required each month September through May regardless of how many days we are open or how many days your child attends school. If monthly tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month, your child will not be allowed to attend preschool until the past due amount is paid in full.

A two week notice is requested if you wish to withdraw your child from from our program.  If a child simply stops attending, tuition will accrue and collection action will begin on the account. 

Doors will open at 8:50 a.m. Teachers use the time before classes for prep time and are not available to supervise children until 10 minutes before school starts, unless they are signed up for Early Drop Off. Children MUST be accompanied into the building by an adult. Dropping children off at the door is not allowed unless a teacher is there and acknowledges the child's arrival. Dismissal is promptly at the time your child's class is over. A late fee may be charged for late pickups.
Children will only be released to the persons listed on the Child Emergency Card on file in the office. There are no exceptions to this rule except when a written note, signed and dated by the parent, is given to the director by the parent before dismissal time. For the protection of your child, First Baptist Preschool employees reserve the right to ask anyone picking up a child from our care for identification.
In the unfortunate event that a staff member suspects that a person picking up a child from our care is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, another person on the child's emergency card will be called to pick the child up. Local law enforcement may be involved.

Toys/belongings from home are not allowed at First Baptist Preschool. They are distracting and very easily lost or broken. AT NO TIME (including Halloween) will guns, war toys, swords, knives, super-hero figurines with weapons, or any other toys of this nature be allowed at school. 

Each day your child will participate in a group snack time with his/her class. A calendar will be posted on each teachers door for you to sign up to provide snack for each child in the class. If your child has food allergies, you will be responsible for bringing a snack from home for your child.

Classroom volunteers are not part of our regular preschool routine. Teachers may ask for volunteers for special events such as holiday parties, program days, or end of the year activities. Any volunteers at our school must provide clearance from the Department of Human Services stating that he or she has not been named in a central registry case as the perpetrator of child abuse or neglect.

​Because of State of Michigan licensing requirements, all children attending First Baptist Preschool must be COMPLETELY potty trained. Our definition of potty trained is:
   *Your child knows when they have to use the bathroom and does so without     prompting.
   *Your child can attend to his/herself in the bathroom, i.e., pulling pants up and down, wiping, washing hands.
    *Your child does not wear PULL-UPS.
We understand that occasional accidents happen with young children. However, if a child has 3 or more accidents in a month, their enrollment at First Baptist Preschool will be evaluated and temporary dismissal from the program may occur until your child is fully potty trained. 

The staff members of First Baptist Preschool will use only age-appropriate, positive methods of discipline when dealing with the children in our school. These methods will encourage self-control, self-direction, self-esteem, and cooperation in our children. Non-severe and developmentally appropriate discipline or restraint may be used if necessary to prevent a child from harming themselves or from harming another child or staff member or their property. 

The above policies are short overviews of the complete policies listed in the parent handbook. A complete policy handbook is distributed to all registered students at the beginning of the school year.